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三六五(上海)废弃物处理服务中心(以下简称环保365)是经市场监督局、环保市容局、发改和商务**等**部门严格审批并在公安分局备案的专业从事一般工业废弃物及报废产品的销毁处理,再生资源在线回收及综合服务单位。 The 36th five year plan (Shanghai) waste treatment service center (hereinafter referred to as environmental protection 365, official website www.12365.co) is a professional unit engaged in the destruction and treatment of general industrial wastes and waste products, online recycling of renewable resources and comprehensive services, which has been strictly approved by the market supervision bureau, the environmental protection and city appearance Bureau, the development and Reform Commission, the Commission of Commerce and other government departments and filed with the public security branch. 环保365坐落于中国上海自由贸易区的金桥进出口加工区,主要从事一般工业废弃物及报废产品的销毁处理,为各企业及事业单位提供涉密资料、不合格产品、过期产品、缺陷产品等销毁服务。目前已在北京、广州、天津、福州等地区设立分部。 Environmental protection 365 is located in Jinqiao import and export processing zone of Shanghai Free Trade Zone, China. It is mainly engaged in the destruction of general industrial wastes and scrapped products, and provides confidential information, unqualified products, expired products, defective products and other destruction services for enterprises and institutions. At present, branches have been set up in Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Fuzhou and other regions. 环保365积极协助客户提升EHS业绩,合理规避客户自行处理风险,维护企业品牌形象,共同实现企业社会责任和价值。 Environmental protection 365 actively assists customers to improve EHS performance, reasonably avoids risks handled by customers, maintains corporate brand image, and jointly realizes corporate social responsibility and value. 环保365响应**号召,就合理分类并实现销毁的“三化原则”,绿色销毁,绿色服务。 In response to the call of the government, environmental protection 365 will reasonably classify and realize the "three principles" of destruction, green destruction and green service.

暂无报价 138168***** 三六五(上海)废弃物处理服务中心
2022-04-23 我要报价
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